Yesterday night I was taking an online test. A two hour online test. That happens to be ridiculously hard and stuff. So anyway I was feeling pretty down. Bored. blahh. so during a moment of procrastination I look down at my phone and did a phone circle.. a few minutes on instagram, facebook, and then email. I was barely looking at me email when all of a sudden I see an email from CES. telling me a decision had been made concerning my application to BYU-Idaho. my heart stopped literally. I sat on my bed for a few seconds in disbelief, the thing I have been waiting for had finally arrived and all the hopes I had planned would be confirmed or denied.
I open the link to the email, which follows by me putting in my information. I clicked confirm and waited for the page to load. That thirty-seconds of my life felt like hours while the page was loading, I imagined so many different outcomes. Would I be that 4% who did not get accepted. But alas the answer to my prayers appeared. Brittany Austin was accepted into BYU-Idaho.
and the thing that struck me most was in my message is said,
"Rich blessings and life-changing opportunities await you here."
What a blessing. I literally cried tears of joy. Have I ever done that?
My father in Heaven knew I desired to do something righteous and I asked & prayed for it and he helped it come true. I'm just overwhelmingly thankful.
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