its strange..

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

College is a strange, funny, cute, awful, amazing thing. It is strange how much I have grown to love Rexburg, Idaho. She has become a bitter sweet home for me. I think about the times I have had over the past year or so and could start crying. It has really been the biggest growing and learning experience ever. I have come to love my future career and talents. Come to love so many amazing people and am so genuinely happy for them and their bright and beautiful futures. I think back and really know that the good times far over weigh the times I was struggling. I know that I can never count all the ways it has changed me. But everyday I have a greater appreciation for friendship, family, love and learning. And its all because of my choice to move to this little town and go to BYU-Idaho. Its so bitter sweet to leave this place for about a year why I go and work for my trip to Europe but I know that this separation is for a good purpose and being gone will only bring me a greater appreciation. I truly will miss all my relationships I have built here and my little room in 114. But I'll be back for one more amazing semester Rexy, don't even worry. 

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